Friday, December 14, 2012

PPVIII: Greeting Cards

Photo Assignment: Police/Military/Fire Dept.

Photo Final

Photo Final

1.      SLR:
 Single lens reflex; uses a mirror and prism system to see through lens to see what the picture will be of

2.     JPEG:
 Joint Photographic Experts Group; most commonly use file format of photos

3.     ISO:
 Sensitivity to light when taking pictures

4.     Aperture:
Controls how much light to put into picture, equivalent to the eye of a person

5.     Elements of Art:
 Common group of aspects used in art, texture, form, shape, space, color, value, line

6.     3 Tools on Adobe:
Spot Healing Tool
Eraser Tool

7.     How many projects did you do this semester?
We did a total of projects.

8.    What grade do you feel that you have earned in here?                                         
I feel that I have earned an A.

9.     What makes a photo art?
It captures a scene that is in the moment, as oppose to painting or drawing.

10.How long does it take to recharge batteries?
Depends on what type of battery, but if it completely drained 2-4 hours usually.

Photo Assignment: Patterns

Friday, November 16, 2012

Photo Essay: Kodak Video Reaction

       There are several important pieces of equipment that affect the appearance of photos: lens,
shutter release, and aperture. The lens is responsible for the main appearance of the photo, how the
image is seen. In this picture of a blossoming tree, a fisheye lens was used. Instead of seeing the image
in the standard rectangular shape, it is seen in a circular shape. This gives it the appearance of being
seen through the “eyes of a fish”.

The shutter release is responsible for the clarity of the photo. If the subject of a picture is a moving object, a quick shutter release would be needed for a clear image; a slow shutter release would result in a blurred photo. I assume that this picture was taken with a fast shutter release due to its clear quality of a moving object, the leaves and branches on the tree.

The aperture size used when taking a picture regulates the amount of light let in. I would predict that the aperture used to take this picture was f/5.6 because it appears to be a little darker than a normally lit picture. The f/5.6 size would allow less light to get in, and thus result in a slightly darker image compared to a standard f/4 size.

Photo Essay: Inanimate Objects

Inanimate objects play a major role in the overall meaning of a picture. They are the objects that tend to be trivial elements of the whole, but are actually important in interpreting the picture. Inanimate objects
are the objects that are not living organisms, and do not live. In the photo above you can see the inanimate objects like the delicious, succulent piece of meat right in the front. Also, the lemon drop martini was like fire running down my gentle esophagus, it was pretty much the devil in drink form. But the mashed potatoes tasted like clouds of sheep wool. The plates that contained all the food were 500 degrees so if you would have touched it, it would incineration your soft flesh, and literally cook you alive, which then would turn you into an inanimate corpse, how ironic. Not alive objects, as evidence by this picture, can themselves create an image that can appeal to all of your senses. You don't have to be a living organism to have a good time. Objects that may seem unimportant can in fact play a trivial role in the overall perspective of the photo.

Photo Assignment: Reflection

Friday, November 9, 2012

Photo Essay: Self-Portrait

          In this photo is me. You can see that the quality of this photo is really high, and it's taken by a Nikon. I liked the effect of the shadow versus light in this since it contrasts my skin colors and effect of shadows. This can also be considered a slow shutter speed picture since there wasn't much motion in it and didn't require a fast shutter speed to capture the image. Also, this is a deep depth of field picture, because of the clarity of all of the photo, not just one of the objects. When I tried to take this picture in the light, but when the shutter closed and revealed the picture, the lighting was extremely light and pretty much washed out my face. But when taken in the shade, more of me was visible. What was interesting was that this was taken underneath a tree, while sitting on a table, and the light was peeping through the leaves. The effect was that some light was coming onto my face, while some of the shade remained, have a combination of both in on picture. Another aspect of this photo was the background. There is a big oak tree and makes it look like I have a tree hat, and there is also the Senior Lawn Arc and lunch tables. Although this may be considered a deep depth of field, the background is slightly out of focus since I am in the blatant front. The originality of this photo is emanated through me. This photo exhibits deep depth of field and the effect of shadow.

PVI: 5 Full Page Ads

Famous Ad

Fake Product Ad

Funny Ad

Obscure Ad (U OF)

 Camera/Photo Related Ad

Photo Assignment: Beach

Friday, November 2, 2012

Photo Essay

      Henna art is a common practice of Indian culture, which exhibits art in different forms that represent certain practices. I have recently been practicing this type of art and actually purchased henna ink to practice with. I find that this type of art is distinct from other because of its culturally aspect. Even though that I'm not of Indian culture, this art emits great amounts of beauty and represents the feelings that I have also. It was a challenge the first time I used the ink, since the ink is temporary but stays up to 2 weeks I didn't want to mess up. Denise was my first victim, but the shoulder henna that I made came out to be symmetrical and coherent. Another time, in the picture above, I made a blossoming flower on her calf. It took me an hour to finish it, but I was extremely pleased with the end product. Even until this day, the henna is still on her leg and it really dark. The longer one keeps the ink on, or until it falls off on its own, the darker and longer the tattoo will last. I also like to draw other things like facial features, shapes, and buildings. I find that art is an outlet for me to release my built up emotions, like stress and frustration and heart break. I realize that I am not the best artist, but many of the pieces I've created, I would say, are impressive, and this is one that I am very proud of.

Photo Assignment: Love