Friday, November 16, 2012

Photo Essay: Inanimate Objects

Inanimate objects play a major role in the overall meaning of a picture. They are the objects that tend to be trivial elements of the whole, but are actually important in interpreting the picture. Inanimate objects
are the objects that are not living organisms, and do not live. In the photo above you can see the inanimate objects like the delicious, succulent piece of meat right in the front. Also, the lemon drop martini was like fire running down my gentle esophagus, it was pretty much the devil in drink form. But the mashed potatoes tasted like clouds of sheep wool. The plates that contained all the food were 500 degrees so if you would have touched it, it would incineration your soft flesh, and literally cook you alive, which then would turn you into an inanimate corpse, how ironic. Not alive objects, as evidence by this picture, can themselves create an image that can appeal to all of your senses. You don't have to be a living organism to have a good time. Objects that may seem unimportant can in fact play a trivial role in the overall perspective of the photo.

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