Friday, November 2, 2012

Photo Essay

      Henna art is a common practice of Indian culture, which exhibits art in different forms that represent certain practices. I have recently been practicing this type of art and actually purchased henna ink to practice with. I find that this type of art is distinct from other because of its culturally aspect. Even though that I'm not of Indian culture, this art emits great amounts of beauty and represents the feelings that I have also. It was a challenge the first time I used the ink, since the ink is temporary but stays up to 2 weeks I didn't want to mess up. Denise was my first victim, but the shoulder henna that I made came out to be symmetrical and coherent. Another time, in the picture above, I made a blossoming flower on her calf. It took me an hour to finish it, but I was extremely pleased with the end product. Even until this day, the henna is still on her leg and it really dark. The longer one keeps the ink on, or until it falls off on its own, the darker and longer the tattoo will last. I also like to draw other things like facial features, shapes, and buildings. I find that art is an outlet for me to release my built up emotions, like stress and frustration and heart break. I realize that I am not the best artist, but many of the pieces I've created, I would say, are impressive, and this is one that I am very proud of.

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