Friday, November 16, 2012

Photo Essay: Kodak Video Reaction

       There are several important pieces of equipment that affect the appearance of photos: lens,
shutter release, and aperture. The lens is responsible for the main appearance of the photo, how the
image is seen. In this picture of a blossoming tree, a fisheye lens was used. Instead of seeing the image
in the standard rectangular shape, it is seen in a circular shape. This gives it the appearance of being
seen through the “eyes of a fish”.

The shutter release is responsible for the clarity of the photo. If the subject of a picture is a moving object, a quick shutter release would be needed for a clear image; a slow shutter release would result in a blurred photo. I assume that this picture was taken with a fast shutter release due to its clear quality of a moving object, the leaves and branches on the tree.

The aperture size used when taking a picture regulates the amount of light let in. I would predict that the aperture used to take this picture was f/5.6 because it appears to be a little darker than a normally lit picture. The f/5.6 size would allow less light to get in, and thus result in a slightly darker image compared to a standard f/4 size.

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