Friday, December 14, 2012

Photo Final

Photo Final

1.      SLR:
 Single lens reflex; uses a mirror and prism system to see through lens to see what the picture will be of

2.     JPEG:
 Joint Photographic Experts Group; most commonly use file format of photos

3.     ISO:
 Sensitivity to light when taking pictures

4.     Aperture:
Controls how much light to put into picture, equivalent to the eye of a person

5.     Elements of Art:
 Common group of aspects used in art, texture, form, shape, space, color, value, line

6.     3 Tools on Adobe:
Spot Healing Tool
Eraser Tool

7.     How many projects did you do this semester?
We did a total of projects.

8.    What grade do you feel that you have earned in here?                                         
I feel that I have earned an A.

9.     What makes a photo art?
It captures a scene that is in the moment, as oppose to painting or drawing.

10.How long does it take to recharge batteries?
Depends on what type of battery, but if it completely drained 2-4 hours usually.

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