Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Vocabulary III

EXPOSURE - When light enters the camera and reacts with the sensitized medium

FILE FORMAT - The form in which digital images are stored and recorded (JPEG, RAW...)

FLARE- Unwanted light streaks or rings that appear in the viewfinder and/or recorded image

FOCAL PLANE - The plane on which a lens forms a sharp image. Also film plane or sensor plane

FOCUS - Optimum sharpness or image clarity that occurs when a lens creates a sharp image by converging light rays to specific points at the focal plane

FRAME - The complete image-exposure area

F/STOP - The size of the aperture or diaphragm opening of a lens

GIGABYTE - Over one billion bytes

HOT SHOE - An electronically connected flash mount on the camera body, enables direct connection to camera and external flash

ICON- A symbol used to represent a file, function, or program

INFINITY - A term used to denote the theoretically most distant point of focus

JPEG - Joint Photographic Experts Group, file format that works with any computer/photo software

KILOBYTE - Over one thousand bytes

LCD - Liquid Crystal Display, flat screen with two clear polarizing on side of liquid crystal solution

LED - Light Emmitting Diode, signal often employed as an indicator on camera as well as on other electronic equipment

LENS - Piece of optical glass on the front of a camera that has been precisely calibrated to allow focus

LIGHT METER - "Exxposure Meter" device that measures light levels and calculates the correct aperature and shutter speed

MEGABYTE - Over one million bytes

MEGAPIXEL - A million pixels

MEMORY - Storage capacity of a hard drive or other recording media

MEMORY CARD - Typical recording medium of digital cameras, used to store still, moving images and sounds

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